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Category 'freebies'


Giveaway : Sorted!

Sorted!   On Monday, April 28th…

Apartment Therapy is giving away 2 copies of Sorted! The Ultimate Guide to Organising Your Life by Lissanne Oliver, Australia’s best-known and most experienced professional organizer.

So, don’t delay… enter the contest today!

Using more than 40 “recipes” and illustrating each point with full-color photography, Lissanne’s best-selling how-to guide teaches any reader to get organized and live more efficiently and effectively.

Understanding that organization is an accumulation of small, individual decisions, sections include the cleaning up of a number of locations, such as work, on-the-go, paper, living spaces, kitchen, and kids rooms.

Organization is a skill that can be learned, and is crucial to personal and professional success; from finding shoes that match to ending the cycle of late payment fees, readers can use this book to simplify and better lives.

Michelle's Signature

101 Surefire Ways to Organize Your Busy Life

101 Surefire Ways to Organize Your Busy Life Wow! What a fabulous resource!

Download your own copy of this free e-book.

Michelle's Signature

Giveaway : Neat Receipts


How cool would it be to win a NeatReceipts scanner just in time for Christmas? What a great way to get rid of some of your paper clutter in the new year! Weekly drawings will be held through the end of December, so you’ll have more than one chance to win!

Enter the holiday contest today!

Michelle's Signature