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Thanksgiving : Menu Planner @ bonappetit.com

Thanksgiving Menu Planner

Will you be hosting your first Thanksgiving Dinner? Or, will you be entertaining a few less or a few more guests than usual? Maybe you need some help planning a more traditional or an alternatively unique Thanksgiving Day menu? No matter your challenge, you must check out this totally cool tool over at bonappetit.com…!!

Michelle's Signature

Thanksgiving : Dream Dinners and Downloads

Dream Dinners

* * * Update: Stephanie’s store is now Family Traditions! * * *

Like it or not, Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

My dear friend, Stephanie, owner of Dream Dinners in Lexington (Kentucky) is offering a great deal on a fabulous Thanksgiving spread—enough turkey and side dishes to feed 12 to 15 people! So, if you’re anything like me and prefer not to spend hours toiling away in the kitchen, you should definitely give Stephanie a call… she’ll “hook you up”!

If, on the other hand, you actually enjoy spending time in the kitchen preparing a traditional Thanksgiving feast for extended family and friends, you’ll find these tools helpful—Martha Stewart’s Thanksgiving Planner (5388 downloads) and Real Simple’s Thanksgiving Dinner Invitation (7231 downloads) .

Thanksgiving Planner     Thanksgiving Dinner Invitation

Michelle's Signature

Friday Fave : My Little Weatherbuddy

Last Thursday, Amanda wore one of my favorite outfits to school—her embroidered dark denim shorty-shorts and ruffled fuschia t-shirt. Such a cutie!

Well, Friday morning’s routine began much the same way as it had the day before… As I started getting breakfast ready, I asked Amanda to choose her outfit for the day.

Amazingly, she did not resist! She voiced a cheerful "ok!" and disappeared into her closet. Moments later, she raced back out to the living room.

"Look, Mommy!" she squealed, proudly wielding the items that she had selected. She was going to wear her striped knit turtleneck sweater and her fleece pants! Of course! [ sarcasm very much intended ]

… not like it’s still summer here in Kentucky or anything; it was only 85 degrees Fahrenheit at the time…!

In an instant, the image of a cute little window cling resurfaced in my mind. And, as expected, I had absolutely no recollection of what it was ‘officially’ called or where I had originally seen it.

So, guess what I did on Friday afternoon while Amanda was at school…

My Little Weatherbuddy

Think you might be interested in virtually eliminating all your morning tantrums [ and those of your child(ren) ] !?! If so, check out My Little Weatherbuddy, the super-smart pictorial thermometer that clings to your window!

Just imagine… motivation, independence, responsibility, time, energy… and no more power struggles! Can’t put a price on that, I tell ya!

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Save the Floor !!

Have you ever sounded like a broken record?

Back up [ from the TV ]. You’re too close.
[ in a sing-song voice ] No, no, no… Drinks stay in the kitchen.
[ gasp ] Watch out!… awwww, crap [ or alternate expletive ]… too late.

Well, I’m not afraid to admit that I have experienced this phenomenon since becoming a mom… However, I recently picked up this really great tip from Keely, one of my “mom friends” from MOPS and owner of BookJingle.com :

Use a small (but not too small) colorful area rug to designate a spot on the floor for your child(ren) to sit while watching TV. The rug is also a great spot for doing artwork or eating a snack.

I have personally used a blanket or towel to serve this purpose in the past, but the area rug’s backing and overall density virtually eliminates any tripping hazard—and, let’s not forget, saves the carpet (or hardwood or tile or whatever kind of flooring you have) from utter disaster!

Plus, when your little area rug gets too grungy (’cause you know it will), it’ll be a cinch to replace!

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Find Your “HOME-eostasis”

Courtesy of Lorie Marrero, creator of The Clutter Diet, owner of Living Order:

Homeostasis is a medical term that refers to the tendency of the human body to seek and maintain balance. What is your house’s “HOME-eostasis?” What is that balanced condition of your home to which you would always like to return?

Your house’s homeostasis results from preventing clutter, reducing the clutter you have to a manageable and acceptable level, and consistently maintaining your home with systems and routines. It’s a state of balance and readiness—the kind of feeling you have when you’ve just straightened up the house for company to come over for dinner. It’s a state of satisfaction, pride, and comfort. Homeostasis is your definition of success!

We are not talking about perfection, as we’ve often emphasized. Homeostasis is a flexible state that adjusts to transitional times and periods of less or more activity in your lives. The definition will change as your family and situations change. Your ultimate organizing goal is to know what homeostasis means for your home and have the education, motivation, and support to easily and confidently achieve it when things get out of balance (as they surely will).

Make your list today—take 10-15 minutes to go by each room and note what needs to happen to make you feel balanced and ready. An example: My guest bathroom needs to be clean enough for people to use without my being embarrassed, and have plenty of toilet paper, a fresh hand towel, and soap.

Michelle's Signature