Monday Mission [ Update ] : The Kitchen Counter
So, how does one go from kitchen counter choas to kitchen counter oasis? Aaaahhh… Let me show you the way!
To start, I moved items, one-by-one, from the kitchen counter into sorted, like-with-like, categorized piles on the nearby dining room table.
What!?! You don’t think this looks any better!?! Are you crazy!?!
OK, OK… It still looks like crap, but there really is a method to my madness…
From top to bottom, left to right, I sorted everything into categories: family paperwork (archive files), junk mail (shredder), Amanda’s art supplies (playroom), business paperwork (office), personal items (master bedroom and adjoining bathroom), and miscellaneous kitchen items.
Hey, whaddya know… there were a few little things in that huge pile that actually belonged in the kitchen! Huh! Imagine that…
And last, but definitely not least, I returned all sorted, categorized items to their respective homes. So, not only do I now have a sparkling clean work surface in my kitchen, but my family can even sit down to dinner tonight!
So, what about you? Have you made any progress clearing off your own kitchen counter? Did you find any really strange things lurking in those piles? (I actually found a pair of socks… very weird…) Anyway, I’d love to hear from you! Just add your two cents in the comments below.