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Tag 'car'

New : Organizing Parties !!

Need a girls’ night out? Wish you could have an individually-tailored one-on-one organizing consultation, but stuck with a tight budget? Love to have tons of fun as you learn new skills?

You need to host an organizing party!

How it works : You invite at least 3 friends over to your place, provide some quick and easy snacks and drinks, and then I’ll take care of the rest!

For a meager $10 per person, you will receive…

  • Private shared access to organizing expertise in the comfort of your own home,
  • Built-in accountability to friends who will motivate and encourage you after the party, and
  • Hands-on organizing assistance from an expert.
  • Bonus: Free hostess gift!

So, what are you waiting for? Schedule your first organizing party today!

The girls will love you for it!

Michelle's Signature

Free Yourself from Your Stuff

Courtesy of Carmen Coker, owner of Clutterbugs:

A well-known Zen parable tells of a wanderer on a lonely road who happened upon a fierce stream that had washed out the bridge to cross over it.

The man, afraid to swim against such a strong current, decided to build a raft. He spent many hours cutting down trees and vines for the project. In the end, the wanderer had a very sturdy raft that brought him safely across the river.

Once on the other side, he thought to himself: This is a good raft. If I meet with another stream ahead, I can use it again to navigate the water.

And so the wanderer carried the raft for the rest of his life.

Think about the moral of this story for just a moment.

From the outside, looking in, this might seem ridiculous. Why would some guy carry a heavy raft around if he didn’t need to?!

But, often times, we do this same thing in our own lives. Maybe not a raft, but maybe something else. It’s not uncommon for people to hang onto an item because it was useful at one point or another but has since become irrelevant. Bottom line: it’s now clutter.

If this sounds familiar, I encourage you to take a few hours throughout the next week to purge these objects that no longer add value to your home, office, or life.

Don’t carry these “rafts” when you don’t need to…

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Weed Out Your Wardrobe

Woohoo! The Lilybugs Children’s Consignment Sale was a great success! I’m looking forward to picking up my cheque on Wednesday. I made a net profit of $128.80… enough to cover what I spent on Amanda’s summer wardrobe, birthday presents, and advertising (i.e., my [ real neat ] business cards and checklists for the goody bags that were handed out to shoppers)!

My little 2-bedroom apartment is breathing a sigh of relief now that I have eliminated several bins of outgrown clothing and toys. Now, I should be able to find adequate storage space for the belongings that Amanda and I actually use (i.e., camping equipment, art supplies, bicycles).

So, if you haven’t done so already, set aside an hour or two to sort and purge your excess clothing as the seasons change and the weather gets warmer.


  • Grab your calendar now, and schedule an appointment with your wardrobe within the next 2 weeks.
  • Invite a trusted friend to join you in weeding out your ‘old’ clothes. She’ll help you remain objective.
  • Hold a private fashion show, and
    • TOSS any clothing items that have holes (or if, like me, you’ll never realistically repair or pay someone to repair these items).
    • KEEP only items that actually FLATTER your body type. Get picky and brutal. Rid yourself of all ‘skinny’ clothes; at the moment, they are simply taunting you every time you see them, reminding you that you’re fat, you’re lazy, and you’re not good enough. Nothing is ever worth all that negative self-talk. Besides, when you finally do lose the weight, you can reward yourself with a new wardrobe!
    • DONATE anything that is still in decent shape but that doesn’t make the cut (or you never really wear). I hate to burst your bubble, but honestly… if you haven’t worn an item in the last year, you’re never going to end up wearing it. Schedule an appointment on your calendar to take these items to friends or local charities.
  • Put away whatever items you keep (in an organized manner, of course). Need ideas? Sort by color, by length, by clothing type, or even by complete outfits.
  • Take inventory of the clothing that you kept.
  • Make a shopping list of items that you need to replace in order to fill out your wardrobe for the upcoming season.
  • Block off some time on your calendar for a shopping date; and, when the time comes, shop with confidence and a discerning eye.

So, what about you? How do you sort and purge your wardrobe? Please share your tips in the comments below.

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Cancel Car Chaos

Clean Car

This week’s mission is to clean out your car.

As busy as our lives can get, it’s tough to keep the inside of our cars clean, especially with kids in tow! So, grab a trash bag, find a basket, get some cleaning supplies, and head out to the garage… it’s time for you to cancel car chaos!

Now, where do you start? Well, right here…

  1. In your trash bag, collect any and all garbage from every nook and cranny of your car.
  2. Gather all items that belong elsewhere (i.e., in the house, in the garage, in the yard) and put them into your basket.
  3. Return all displaced items to their respective “homes” (i.e., stuffed animals to playroom, paperwork to home office, gas can to garage).
  4. Vacuum all carpeted and upholstered surfaces in your car.
  5. Wipe down all plastic and leather surfaces in your car.
  6. Don’t forget the windows… Clean those too!
  7. Wash (and dry, if you like) the exterior of your car.

That’s it! But… now comes the tough part… you must keep your car clean all week long! How? Aaaahhh… good question…

  1. Place your (now empty) basket on the passenger seat of your car. Use it to collect items that belong in the house (or elsewhere) every time you get out of the car.
  2. Keep a small garbage bag in your car for trash. Several options include the little bags made to hang from a knob on your car stereo, an auto organizer made specifically for this purpose, or simply a box or gift bag on the floor in the back seat. Of course, whenever your trash bag gets full, toss it and get a new bag. In fact, keep an empty paper towel roll in your car stuffed with plastic grocery bags to use as quick and easy trash bag replacements.
  3. Kids along for the ride? Store some wipes in the car for quick clean-ups after take-out meals, playdates at the park, etc. And, keep a small bucket of “travel toys” for entertaining little ones on long car rides. Finally, if you’re dealing with potty training, be sure to keep a small portable potty and toilet paper roll in your trunk… just in case…

So, what about you? How do you keep your car clean and organized? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your favorite tips for cleaning and organizing your car.

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : ‘Twas the night before…

This week’s mission is to get everything ready for the next day before you go to bed for the night. Do this each and every evening (even if you’re crazy tired), and you’ll be amazed at how much more relaxed your mornings will be! You know how your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day…

Need some ideas of just what you can get ready the night before?

  • Re-stock the diaper bag.
  • Shut down your laptop and pack it up.
  • Gather items to return (i.e., library books, video rentals).
  • Load the car with “the big stuff” (i.e., stroller, hockey equipment).
  • Prepare the family’s sack lunches.
  • Check the weather forecast.
  • Choose outfits for yourself and the kids.
  • Set the table for breakfast.

So, what about you? What is your evening routine? How do you prepare for the next day? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your best tips for getting everything ready the night before.

Michelle's Signature