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Tag 'family'

An Organizer’s Offspring

Have you ever wondered about the offspring of a professional organizer?

Just a few days ago, I was working on the computer in my home office and Amanda (who is almost 4 years old) was playing on the floor nearby with her recently-acquired bounty of dollar-store toys. Next thing I know, she is beside me, pulling all her books out of their Rubbermaid home, and tossing them into a large tumbling pile behind her.

I said to her (in standard mommy tone), “Amanda, you know you’re going to have to put all those books back…”

Her reply (in standard you-just-don’t-get-it tone): “Maw-aww-mee, I’m reorganizing them!! See? These books go over here, and these books go over here!!”

So, now you know.

Michelle's Signature

Mamasource : Online Community

Mamasource Logo

* * * Update: Mamasource.com is now Mamapedia™ * * *

…a safe and easy way to connect with other moms in your local area where you can find the advice, referrals, and insight you need in a supportive community of moms helping moms.

As a Mamasource member, you can:

  • Ask other local moms any question you need help with.
  • Read the questions other moms have asked—and see what answers they have received.
  • Share your own advice and practical referrals with other moms who need your help.
  • Promote your business to other moms who could use your products or services.

Shortly after our family moved to Kentucky in June of 2006, I stumbled upon Mamasource.com while “surfing the ‘Net” one evening. I was able to touch base with other moms in the area for referrals to hair stylists, moms groups, pediatricians, and more.

The following year, once my professional organizing business was officially up and running, I added my [ real neat ] listing to Mamasource.com and shortly thereafter received an inquiry from a local mom interested in learning more about my services! Needless to say, Mamasource has been a wonderful repository of information and a great source of referrals!

Sign up today (for free!), then be sure to check out the listings and reviews for [ real neat ] and GCC MOPS. In fact, feel free to add your own review!

Michelle's Signature

Video : Mommy Humor

Mother’s Day : Changing the Present


Changing The Present, a nonprofit website, offers a unique gift-giving model for those of us seeking to simplify our lives and improve our world.

So, if you haven’t yet purchased a gift for your mom, take a few moments to browse the site’s many causes to find an inspiring gift that will suit your budget, make a difference, and mean a great deal to your mom. With over 1,000 gifts, from $2 to $5,000, from hundreds of leading nonprofits, you’ll have no trouble finding just the right gift!

You can even send a customized printed greeting card to your mom, right from the site, with an inspiring photo and description of the gift that you’ve chosen to donate in her honor. She’ll love receiving your gift of charity! (Plus, your donation will be tax-deductible… an added bonus!)

Can you imagine the overall impact that, together, we could make as this new kind of gift-giving catches on!?! So cool!

Michelle's Signature

Seminar : Get Organized, Mom!

MOPS Logo - Mothers of Preschoolers Join me this Friday at Grace Christian Center in Georgetown, KY for an organizing presentation!

What: “Get Organized, Mom!” Seminar
When: Friday, April 25th @ 9:00am
Where: Grace Christian Center, Georgetown, KY
Cost: Free!

The seminar will include tips on how to get (and stay) organized with children through all the stages—infancy, toddlerhood, preschool years, and beyond.

I will share plenty of practical tips and ideas including:

  • managing schedules,
  • maintaining accurate records,
  • storing clothes, toys, and other children’s items,
  • travelling with children (from shopping trips to long vacations), and
  • cultivating your marriage and personal interests.

In addition, the MOPS moms have been asked to bring photos of the most cluttered (i.e., least organized) rooms of their homes. During the meeting, without knowing which photo belongs to which mom, each woman will vote on which room she believes should be deemed the “messiest.”

At the end of the organizing presentation, all votes cast will be tallied and the “messiest room” award winner will receive a 1-hour organizing gift certificate (a $40 value)! Plus, there will be plenty of free samples, door prizes, handouts, and ideas to take home!

I can hardly wait! Hope to see you there!

Michelle's Signature