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Tag 'students'

Friday Fave : School.files


Homework, class trips, extracurricular activities—staying on top of all the things your children participate in at school is a big job. School.files™ from Buttoned Up® is the perfect container for keeping all the information about their scholastic life at your fingertips.

School.files School.files

Key Functional Features:

  • Durable file folder with compartments for three children.
  • Each compartment contains five folders: stuff to do, stuff to keep, stuff to return, fun stuff, and calendars.
  • Lightweight construction and notebook size make it ultra-portable.
Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Shop for School Supplies

Girl Painting Picture

With the start of the new school year just around the corner, now is the time to shop for school supplies. Hit the sales and save!

(And, don’t forget… Staples, Office Max, and Office Depot offer free delivery on any orders over $50! Huge time saver!)

BTW, If you’ve not yet received a school supply list from your child’s teacher, refer to the Back To School Checklist (1253 downloads) to get you started.

Now is also the time to gather your child’s emergency medical information into one place. Check out the In Case Of Emergency (2326 downloads) form.

Back To School Checklist (1253 downloads)   In Case Of Emergency (2326 downloads)

Michelle's Signature