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Tag 'tips'

Monday Mission : ‘Twas the night before…

This week’s mission is to get everything ready for the next day before you go to bed for the night. Do this each and every evening (even if you’re crazy tired), and you’ll be amazed at how much more relaxed your mornings will be! You know how your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day…

Need some ideas of just what you can get ready the night before?

  • Re-stock the diaper bag.
  • Shut down your laptop and pack it up.
  • Gather items to return (i.e., library books, video rentals).
  • Load the car with “the big stuff” (i.e., stroller, hockey equipment).
  • Prepare the family’s sack lunches.
  • Check the weather forecast.
  • Choose outfits for yourself and the kids.
  • Set the table for breakfast.

So, what about you? What is your evening routine? How do you prepare for the next day? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your best tips for getting everything ready the night before.

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Laundry Duty

Laundry Duty

This week’s mission is to organize and simplify laundry duty in 5 simple steps: sort, wash, dry, fold, and put away.

  1. Sort: Keep your 3-bin laundry sorter (or multiple laundry hampers) wherever you change into your “jammies” at bedtime. Drop your dirty clothes into their respective bins—darks, whites, and colors.
  2. Wash: First thing in the morning, put a load of laundry into the washer—towels and/or sheets.
  3. Dry: After you’ve gone through your morning routine, and before you head out the door for the day, transfer the load of laundry from the washer to the dryer.
  4. Fold: When you arrive home in the late afternoon or early evening, unload the dryer. (You won’t have to fold this load…)
  5. Put Away: Hang up your clean towels in the bathroom, and put the clean sheets on your bed. Done!

Additional Tips:

  • For any laundry that you don’t want to leave sitting in the dryer all day long, set a timer when you load the washer. If you’re not certain how long your washer’s normal cycle lasts, start with 1 hour and adjust up or down as needed. When the timer goes off, put the clothes into the dryer, and add a new load to the washer. Reset the timer. When the timer goes off again, repeat the process.
  • Keep a trash can nearby so you can easily throw away anything collected by your dryer’s lint trap. When you unload the dryer, fold everything immediately! Instant Bonuses: You’ll reduce (if not eliminate) the wrinkles. You won’t have as much ironing to do. You’ll feel great because you just plain got the job done!
  • Little ones afoot? Get them involved! Get out a footstool so your child can reach to put dirty clothes into the washer. As you empty the washer, give your child one or two wet items to add to the dryer while you toss in a couple handfuls. Toddlers can also empty the dryer, match up socks, fold washcloths and towels, or even fold shirts and pants. Instant Bonuses: You’re spending quality time with your child. You’re teaching your child important life skills. You’re actually getting the laundry done!

So, what about you? What are your favorite laundry tips? How do you keep laundry duty organized? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your tried-and-true laundry strategies.

Michelle's Signature

Seminar : Get Organized, Mom!

MOPS Logo - Mothers of Preschoolers Join me this Friday at Grace Christian Center in Georgetown, KY for an organizing presentation!

What: “Get Organized, Mom!” Seminar
When: Friday, April 25th @ 9:00am
Where: Grace Christian Center, Georgetown, KY
Cost: Free!

The seminar will include tips on how to get (and stay) organized with children through all the stages—infancy, toddlerhood, preschool years, and beyond.

I will share plenty of practical tips and ideas including:

  • managing schedules,
  • maintaining accurate records,
  • storing clothes, toys, and other children’s items,
  • travelling with children (from shopping trips to long vacations), and
  • cultivating your marriage and personal interests.

In addition, the MOPS moms have been asked to bring photos of the most cluttered (i.e., least organized) rooms of their homes. During the meeting, without knowing which photo belongs to which mom, each woman will vote on which room she believes should be deemed the “messiest.”

At the end of the organizing presentation, all votes cast will be tallied and the “messiest room” award winner will receive a 1-hour organizing gift certificate (a $40 value)! Plus, there will be plenty of free samples, door prizes, handouts, and ideas to take home!

I can hardly wait! Hope to see you there!

Michelle's Signature

Seminar : Get Organized, Mom!

MOPS Logo - Mothers of Preschoolers Woohoo! Thanks to a referral made by Candace Steyn, I have been invited to conduct an organizing presentation for the Northeast Christian Church MOPS group in Lexington, KY!

What: “Get Organized, Mom!” Seminar
When: Thursday, February 21st @ 9:00am
Where: Northeast Christian Church, Lexington, KY
Cost: Free!

The seminar will include tips on how to get (and stay) organized with children through all the stages—infancy, toddlerhood, preschool years, and beyond.

I will share plenty of practical tips and ideas including:

  • managing schedules,
  • maintaining accurate records,
  • storing clothes, toys, and other children’s items,
  • travelling with children (from shopping trips to long vacations), and
  • cultivating your marriage and personal interests.

In addition, the MOPS moms have been asked to bring photos of the most cluttered (i.e., least organized) rooms of their homes. During the meeting, without knowing which photo belongs to which mom, each woman will vote on which room she believes should be deemed the “messiest.”

At the end of the organizing presentation, all votes cast will be tallied and the “messiest room” award winner will receive a 1-hour organizing gift certificate (a $40 value)! Plus, there will be plenty of free samples, door prizes, handouts, and ideas to take home!

I can hardly wait! Hope to see you there!

BTW: If you join us at the MOPS meeting, please stick around after the presentation to chat with me. Plus, mention my blog for a special bonus!

Michelle's Signature

Seminar : Organizing 101 for New Moms

Babies “R” Us Smart Beginnings Wow! How exciting! I have been invited to conduct a seminar at Babies “R” Us for moms-to-be and new moms!

What: “Organizing 101 for New Moms” Seminar
When: Tuesday, February 26th @ 7:00pm
Where: Babies “R” Us, Lexington, KY
Cost: Free!

The seminar will include tips on how to prepare for baby’s arrival, how to manage life with a newborn (and all the accompanying stuff), and how to adjust as baby grows and life continues to change.

I will share plenty of practical tips and ideas including:

  • managing schedules,
  • maintaining accurate records,
  • storing clothes, toys, and other baby items,
  • travelling with a little one (from shopping trips to long vacations), and
  • cultivating your marriage and personal interests.

There will be plenty of free samples, door prizes, handouts, and ideas to take home! I can hardly wait! Hope to see you there!

BTW: If you attend the seminar, please stick around after the presentation to chat with me. Plus, mention my blog for a special bonus!

Michelle's Signature