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Tag 'tools'

Friday Fave : Cometdocs Online Data Conversion Tools

Cometdocs Logo

I *heart* Cometdocs! I’ve been looking everywhere to find a *free* (and preferably online) way to quickly and easily generate thumbnail preview images of the pdf files that I’ve been adding to the resources > downloads section of my website, to no avail. And then I found Cometdocs! And now I’m in love! Almost as much as I *heart* MailChimp! πŸ˜‰

Here are some details ‘straight from the horse’s mouth’:

Cometdocs is a one-of-its-kind free online document conversion interface that offers a large set of document conversions that can’t be found anywhere else online. Its unique features include on-the-fly OCR conversion capabilities, over 50 different conversion options, and proprietary XPS and PDF conversion abilities that retain formatting, images, and text in the selected output format. And best of all for users -> it is available free of charge.

No need to install anything on your computer. Use the easy upload interface to convert your file. Your original file will not be affected, and you can choose your own file name for the converted file which will instantly download to your computer.

What to do with such limitless data conversion possibilities!?! Hmmm… Maybe I should convert some of my college writing and design work from ‘the olden days’ into something more readily usable… Interesting thought…

Anyway, did I already say how much I love this new find!?! πŸ˜‰

Michelle's Signature

Free Printables : Goals for the New Year

The Holiday Helps series was so popular that I think I will continue to share my favorite printable freebies with you throughout the year! So, as you take a step back, look at the big picture with a critical eye, and plan out your goals for the new year, these tools should come in handy… Enjoy!

Goal List

Goal List
from Buttoned Up

Goals Cheat Sheet

Goals Cheat Sheet
from The Home CEO

Resolutions Planner

Resolutions Planner
from Martha Stewart


from { simple mom }

My Personal Goals

My Personal Goals
from momAgenda

My Specific Goals

My Specific Goals
from momAgenda

Goal Chart

Goal Chart
from The Project Girl

Michelle's Signature

Get Organized Month Celebration !!

Get Organized Month

Yay! The new year is here… time for fresh starts, ambitious goals, and endless possibilities! To help you along your journey, I have put together a special offer just for you! Schedule your on-site ‘Productivity Power Hour‘ consultation today! Put my expertise to work for you to increase your efficiency and your profit margin! So, here are the details…

Productivity Power Hour : $100 $50

  • Complete tour and needs assessment of space,
  • Review of current routines, habits, and organizing systems,
  • On-site verbal and written recommendations,
  • Rough time estimate and plan-of-action, and
  • β€œHow-to” organizing principles instruction.

Book Now

Wouldn’t you like to regain control of your stressful home or work environment so you have the time, space, and energy to enjoy life to the fullest? The volume of information you will glean from this one-hour consultation is literally invaluable! Invest in yourself for a change, and get the new year started off the right way!

Michelle's Signature

Holiday Helps : Budget Forms

… and the silence shall be broken …

The blog has been rather quiet as of late while I’ve been collecting, organizing, and publishing some super sweet and totally free downloadable goodness for you! Hope you like ’em! Happy Holidays!

Thanks to the fabulous ladies over at Buttoned Up! (and their beautiful new forms!), you can easily put together a wallet-friendly gift-giving budget that’ll keep you smiling into the new year!

Holiday Gifts (1161 downloads)   Holiday Gift Budget (1239 downloads)   Holiday Budget (1281 downloads)

BTW : For those of you too impatient to wait for future posts, you can find the rest of these handy-dandy holiday tools on the downloads page in the resources section of this website.

Friday Fave: Yoono

OMG! I just came across the best web browser add-in ever!


Yoono is so totally awesome! You have got to check it out!

Yoono is an easy to use sidebar for your browser that allows you to connect to all your social networks and instant messaging services—in one place. Get all your friend updates, update your own status, and easily share stuff with your friends.

What a fabulous way to simplify the process of staying connected! This new find will definitely help me stay “in the know” without getting completely “sucked in.” Hello, productivity! πŸ˜‰

What tools do you use to ensure that you “get things done” + and + keep “up-to-date” with family and friends? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. I’d love to soak up some more ideas!

Michelle's Signature