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Quick Tip : Keep Reading Material Handy

Reading While Waiting

Keep the most recent copy of your favorite magazine or catalog in your car “just in case” you arrive at the doctor’s office 20 minutes early or find yourself eating alone at lunch time.

The easy-to-digest articles are perfect for those occasions when you have a few minutes to spare, and the bonuses are plenty… You get to read something that you actually enjoy, your unread magazines won’t pile up at home, you won’t be wasting any of your precious time, and you’ll be more likely to remain calm and relaxed (even if the doctor is running 40 minutes behind schedule)!

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{ 2 comments... add your thoughts }

Great idea! I get so impatient when I have to wait for an appointment or in a line, and having something interesting to read would make the time pass more quickly and keep my stress level down – as well as the benefits you mention in your post!

.-= Janet Barclay´s last blog… Five Ways to Get Followers on Twitter =-.

Janet Barclay / February 9th, 2010, 3:03 pm

Exactly! And speaking of stress levels… having something engaging to read while you wait half-naked in a wonderfully breezy gown on the sterile rustling paper of the oh-so-comfy examination room bed for the gynecologist… priceless! 😉

Michelle @ [ real neat ] / February 9th, 2010, 3:47 pm

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