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Category 'holidays'


Thanksgiving : Menu Planner @ bonappetit.com

Thanksgiving Menu Planner

Will you be hosting your first Thanksgiving Dinner? Or, will you be entertaining a few less or a few more guests than usual? Maybe you need some help planning a more traditional or an alternatively unique Thanksgiving Day menu? No matter your challenge, you must check out this totally cool tool over at bonappetit.com…!!

Michelle's Signature

Thanksgiving : Dream Dinners and Downloads

Dream Dinners

* * * Update: Stephanie’s store is now Family Traditions! * * *

Like it or not, Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

My dear friend, Stephanie, owner of Dream Dinners in Lexington (Kentucky) is offering a great deal on a fabulous Thanksgiving spread—enough turkey and side dishes to feed 12 to 15 people! So, if you’re anything like me and prefer not to spend hours toiling away in the kitchen, you should definitely give Stephanie a call… she’ll “hook you up”!

If, on the other hand, you actually enjoy spending time in the kitchen preparing a traditional Thanksgiving feast for extended family and friends, you’ll find these tools helpful—Martha Stewart’s Thanksgiving Planner (5387 downloads) and Real Simple’s Thanksgiving Dinner Invitation (7231 downloads) .

Thanksgiving Planner     Thanksgiving Dinner Invitation

Michelle's Signature

Mother’s Day : Changing the Present


Changing The Present, a nonprofit website, offers a unique gift-giving model for those of us seeking to simplify our lives and improve our world.

So, if you haven’t yet purchased a gift for your mom, take a few moments to browse the site’s many causes to find an inspiring gift that will suit your budget, make a difference, and mean a great deal to your mom. With over 1,000 gifts, from $2 to $5,000, from hundreds of leading nonprofits, you’ll have no trouble finding just the right gift!

You can even send a customized printed greeting card to your mom, right from the site, with an inspiring photo and description of the gift that you’ve chosen to donate in her honor. She’ll love receiving your gift of charity! (Plus, your donation will be tax-deductible… an added bonus!)

Can you imagine the overall impact that, together, we could make as this new kind of gift-giving catches on!?! So cool!

Michelle's Signature

Get Organized Month

In honor of the New Year, traditional New Year’s resolutions, and fresh new beginnings, the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) is sponsoring its fourth annual Get Organized MonthSM this January 2008.

Get Organized MonthSM is a national industry-wide event that is dedicated to raising awareness of the benefits of getting organized and of hiring a professional organizer.

January is the perfect month to get organized and start your new year off right. Getting organized is one of the top 5 New Year’s resolutions people make and with almost 4,000 NAPO members ready and available to assist, it is easier than most people think. NAPO members will help over 10,000 people get organized during this month-long event.

— Standolyn Roberston, NAPO President

Michelle's Signature

Gift Tags : Simplified

Courtesty of ParentHacks.com:

I had the kids make tags for Christmas gifts out of plain cardstock. We store all the gifts under the tree until they’re ready to leave the house (it looks so pretty!). To minimize time spent scrutinizing names on tags to make sure the staying / going gifts aren’t mixed up, all the gifts that stay at our home have green tags and the rest are red.

Additional Ideas:

  1. Use a different colored tag for each family member: red for Mom, green for Dad, and white for Baby.
  2. Add a photo of the appropriate family member to each gift tag to help young children quickly identify each gift’s recipient.
  3. Customize printable gift tag templates that you find online @ Microsoft.com, Parents.com, or elsewhere.

Gift distribution on Christmas Day will be a snap!

Michelle's Signature