Friday Fave : My Little Weatherbuddy
Last Thursday, Amanda wore one of my favorite outfits to school—her embroidered dark denim shorty-shorts and ruffled fuschia t-shirt. Such a cutie!
Well, Friday morning’s routine began much the same way as it had the day before… As I started getting breakfast ready, I asked Amanda to choose her outfit for the day.
Amazingly, she did not resist! She voiced a cheerful "ok!" and disappeared into her closet. Moments later, she raced back out to the living room.
"Look, Mommy!" she squealed, proudly wielding the items that she had selected. She was going to wear her striped knit turtleneck sweater and her fleece pants! Of course! [ sarcasm very much intended ]
… not like it’s still summer here in Kentucky or anything; it was only 85 degrees Fahrenheit at the time…!
In an instant, the image of a cute little window cling resurfaced in my mind. And, as expected, I had absolutely no recollection of what it was ‘officially’ called or where I had originally seen it.
So, guess what I did on Friday afternoon while Amanda was at school…
Think you might be interested in virtually eliminating all your morning tantrums [ and those of your child(ren) ] !?! If so, check out My Little Weatherbuddy, the super-smart pictorial thermometer that clings to your window!
Just imagine… motivation, independence, responsibility, time, energy… and no more power struggles! Can’t put a price on that, I tell ya!