Monday Mission : “Git-R-Done”
I am a master of procrastination. Give me something that I don’t really want to do, and I’ll find a zillion ways to avoid doing it.
Today’s fine example : contact the insurance company.
On Friday, I stopped by the pharmacy to pick up Amanda’s prescription for antibiotics (re: ear infection). The total charge was nearly $75 for the generic form of the medication!
Since we have a decent health insurance plan, I questioned the price and was told that the pharmacy has our insurance information on file, but had been instructed by the insurance company to charge a $75 copay for the prescription!
Now, we normally pay a $10 copay for the generic form of any prescribed medication, so this answer concerned me…
Anyway, long-story-short, I need to call our health insurance company today to get it all straightened out (“Git-R-Done”). Ugh!
So, what about you? What important task have you been dreading? How do you motivate yourself to finally “Git-R-Done”? I’d love to hear from you!