Reader Plea : “Help! The piles are taking over!”
Currently, paper products are trying to devour my home; I have a problem throwing out and/or recycling paper. What do I do with all my husband’s CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes? What do I do with all my notebooks? My books? How do I store my enormous yarn stash? Material? Thread? These are the items I have little piles of all over the house!
Not to worry… You can definitely learn how to organize your paperwork, your husband’s CD, DVD, and VHS collections; your books and notebooks; and your yarn, material, and thread. Just follow these steps…
get prioritized.
What is bothering you the most? Your enormous yarn stash or your books? Jot down a list, in priority order, of what needs to be organized. Think small. For example, you should break down your husband’s “mess” into three different organizing tasks : [1] VHS, [2] CD, and [3] DVD.
get focused.
Now that you have all your ducks in a row, tackle the first item on your organizing priority list. In fact, pretend that you’re a squirrel (kids or grandkids could help with this one) and gather like items into a single area. So, if you decided that your enormous yarn collection was most bothersome, gather all of your yarn together in a plastic bin or a pile on the floor.
get real.
Time to make some tough decisions. Realistically, what do you need to keep and what can go?
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I currently use it? If not, how long have I had it?
- Do I really need it? What’s the worst that’d happen if I got rid of it?
- Do I truly love it? Is it beautiful? Does it hold great sentimental value?
Remember : Anything that you decide to keep will cost you in space, time, or sanity. Make sure it’s worth it.
get neat.
Now that you’ve pared down your collection, find an appropriately-sized container in which to store the remaining items. This will define your limits. You may only keep what will comfortably fit into your chosen container.
So, if your husband comes home with a new DVD, only to discover that the DVD storage cabinet is completely full, he must get rid of an old DVD to make room for the new one. Or, he can return the new DVD if he really doesn’t want to part with any of the old ones.
As you can see, by limiting your stuff to a container, you have created an easy maintenance system that will ensure your control over your belongings and your space.
Finally, repeat this process for any area of your home that you need to organize, and you’ll soon find yourself reveling your new home oasis!