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Tag 'health'

Free Printables : Goals for the New Year

The Holiday Helps series was so popular that I think I will continue to share my favorite printable freebies with you throughout the year! So, as you take a step back, look at the big picture with a critical eye, and plan out your goals for the new year, these tools should come in handy… Enjoy!

Goal List

Goal List
from Buttoned Up

Goals Cheat Sheet

Goals Cheat Sheet
from The Home CEO

Resolutions Planner

Resolutions Planner
from Martha Stewart


from { simple mom }

My Personal Goals

My Personal Goals
from momAgenda

My Specific Goals

My Specific Goals
from momAgenda

Goal Chart

Goal Chart
from The Project Girl

Michelle's Signature

Wednesday Wisdom : Living Wisely and Earnestly

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

— Buddha
Michelle's Signature

Survey Says : Women Want Professional Organizers

In May 2008, Meredith/NBC Universal announced the results of their survey entitled “What Do Women Want?”™ More than 3,000 women revealed key insights on the female psyche across topics including health and well-being.

When asked which service professionals they would most like to hire, 24% of women responded that they wanted to hire a professional organizer to declutter their living space or office.

This finding suggests that women recognize the need to simplify their overwhelmed lives. But, do they realize the inherent health benefits of enlisting the help of a professional organizer?

As Debbie Jordan Kravatz, owner of Virtually Organized, noted on her blog…

Getting organized:

  • helps reduce your stress levels (which can help with everything from anxiety and depression to cardiovascular and weight issues),
  • puts more time in your day (which can be better used getting annual check-ups, counting calories, and exercising regularly), and
  • frees you up to focus on things BESIDES your cluttered counter tops and overstuffed garage (such as spending time with your loved ones and enjoying your favorite hobbies—activities which have been proven to have lingering health benefits).

What are your thoughts? Have you noticed how the amount of clutter in your home affects your health? I’d love to hear details about your personal home/health connection!

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : “Git-R-Done”

I am a master of procrastination. Give me something that I don’t really want to do, and I’ll find a zillion ways to avoid doing it.

Today’s fine example : contact the insurance company.

On Friday, I stopped by the pharmacy to pick up Amanda’s prescription for antibiotics (re: ear infection). The total charge was nearly $75 for the generic form of the medication!

Since we have a decent health insurance plan, I questioned the price and was told that the pharmacy has our insurance information on file, but had been instructed by the insurance company to charge a $75 copay for the prescription!

Now, we normally pay a $10 copay for the generic form of any prescribed medication, so this answer concerned me…

Anyway, long-story-short, I need to call our health insurance company today to get it all straightened out (“Git-R-Done”). Ugh!

So, what about you? What important task have you been dreading? How do you motivate yourself to finally “Git-R-Done”? I’d love to hear from you!

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Menu Planning

Meal Planning

This week’s mission is to plan your meals.

Do you have leftovers that need to get used up? Anything that’s been in the freezer for a while? What’s in the fridge that’s close to its expiration date? Plan to use up these items with this week’s menu.

Take 10 minutes today to make a list of your meals for the week. Be sure to select your meals according to the activities that are scheduled each day. You certainly don’t want to plan a complex, preparation-intense meal on the day that you’ll get home from work at 5:30pm and need to be at your son’s baseball game at 6:00pm! Sandwiches, anyone?

Once you’ve completed your menu plan, highlight anything that needs to get pulled out of the freezer the night before. Then, post your schedule of meals on the fridge as a reminder. Hey, who knows… your teenage daughter might even get the meal started for you now that she knows what you’ve got planned! (Yes, I know… wishful thinking…)

In any case, you’ll be grateful that you spent 10 minutes at the start of the week to plan out your meals. Not only will you eliminate the stress that comes with planning a meal after a long, hard day, but you’ll save money by eliminating last-minute fast food excursions, and you’ll stay healthy by eating more well-rounded meals!

You know how it is… after a long tiring day, it’s tough to prepare a meal, let alone decide what to make. With a plan in place, the decisions will have already been made for you, and all you’ll need to do is prepare and enjoy!

So, do you already have a menu plan for this week? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your current menu plan.

Michelle's Signature