Friday Fave [ Update ] : MailChimp
Yep. Definitely loving the chimp!
Check out the latest [ real neat ] ezine…
And be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already!

Yep. Definitely loving the chimp!
Check out the latest [ real neat ] ezine…
And be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already!
I have fallen in love with a monkey!
Well, not really, but I am very excited that MailChimp has changed their free account option to include a larger mailing list size! Woohoo! So, fellow small business owners, you absolutely must give MailChimp a try—check out the e-mail campaign that I just sent out on behalf of!
Now, let me count the ways…
Hands-down, MailChimp is the ideal way to manage any and all of your e-mail campaigns (i.e., special offers, monthly newsletters, birthday wishes, holiday greetings, etc.)!
This week’s mission is to make a concerted effort to plan ahead!
As you very well may have noticed, there was no Monday Mission last week. I thought that I had planned ahead pretty well for my time away in Michigan and Ontario, but apparently, I didn’t!
My List :
- Set up e-mail autoresponder. Check.
- Add future blog posts to be published while away. Check.
- Pay all bills that will be due while away. Check.
- Pack suitcases. Check.
- Print out driving directions. Check.
- Arrange for overnight accomodations. Check.
So, what did I miss…??
Ha! Well, I neglected to make a plan for our post-vacation week! You know… the one where you’ve arrived home, exhausted from your travels, loathing to unpack and get back into your hum-drum daily routine…
Hence, no Monday Mission for last week, suitcases and tote bag are only mostly unpacked, still no food in the house (Amanda and I will be grocery shopping today), incomplete July newsletter taunting me from the Drafts folder, and the list goes on…
So, needless to say, my goal for this week is to PLAN AHEAD just a bit better. And, by putting my plan in writing and sharing it with you, I’ll be sure to stick to the plan (since I know you’ll hold me accountable). So, here it is…
- Today : laundry and groceries
- Tomorrow : playdates (daytime for Amanda and evening for me!)
- Wednesday : July & August newsletters (or one summer issue?)
- Thursday : dust and vaccuum
- Friday : shopping
- Saturday : update contact management database
So, what about you? Are you a natural when it comes to making plans? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to share your favorite tips or toughest challenges when planning ahead.