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Tag 'organizing'

Friday Fave : Recipe Nest

Recipe Nest

The Recipe Nest® is the perfect solution for those of us who clip (or simply tear out) recipes from magazines, or for those of us who tend to let things stack up in piles before we deal with them months later.

Not only is it ideal for sorting and storing recipes, but the Recipe Nest® also turns into a fabulous easel (with a handy clip) to hold your selected recipe at an eye-pleasing angle while you prepare it. Add the spill-proof vinyl covering to the trendy color selection, and you’ve got a real winner!

So, what about you? Are you a ‘recipe collector’ like me? What is your favorite way to store recipes? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Eat That Frog !!

Cell Phone

If you’re anything like me, you have at least one thing in life that you absolutely abhor doing. I personally dread making phone calls. The truth of the matter is, however, that these tasks still need to get done, whether we want to do them or not. So what’s the solution?

Well, world-renowned time management expert, Brian Tracy, has the answer:

” E A T   T H A T   F R O G ! “

By identifying, then tackling, your biggest, most unpleasant task first—the philosophy of “eating a frog”—you can learn to plan and organize each day, set priorities, get started right away, and complete jobs faster.

So, my challenge to you this week is to “Eat That Frog” first thing in the morning, before you work on anything else. Not only will you end up with an immeasurable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, but your mind will be freed of its burden, allowing you to focus your creative energies and make the rest of your day far more productive.

What tasks do you regularly put off as long as you can? Or, what strategies do you regularly employ that help you “Get Things Done”? Enlighten me!

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Prepare for Emergencies

If you are involved in an accident or other emergency that leaves you incapacitated, who will speak for you? The following tips are quick and simple, and could very well save your life.

  • ICE Sticker : Store the phone numbers of your emergency contacts in your cellphone, prefaced with the acronymn ICE (i.e., In Case of Emergency). As an additional potential lifesaving measure, and an indicator to emergency personnel, affix an ICE Sticker to the back of your cellphone.
  • Wallet Card : Keep a hard copy of your family’s emergency plan and medical history in your wallet. For additional peace of mind, use a self-laminating sheet to protect your wallet card from everyday wear-and-tear.
  • Medic Alert : If you have any potential life-threatening allergies or medical conditions, check out the latest fashions of Medic Alert Jewelry. The once-utilitarian bracelets now have a ton of stylish variations, from dog tags and sports bands to watches and necklaces.
  • ICE Packet : Get ‘hip’ with a specialized USB flash drive keychain that stores all your medical data for easy access by emergency personnel. ‘All the kids are doing it…’ 🙂

So, what about you? How do you store your vital medical history in an easily-accessible format, just in case of an emergency? Do share!

Michelle's Signature

Friday Fave : BookJingle.com

This week’s feature: BookJingle.com, the best book buyback site online! (Not that I’m biased or anything… the owner is a personal friend of mine!) But, seriously, Book Jingle will pay you $$ cash $$ for your used books! What a great way to declutter and recycle your personal library! Here’s what you can expect from my friends at BookJingle.com

Book Jingle  
  • Totally free shipping
  • Ultimate convenience
  • Instant (top) price quotes
  • Quick payment within 48 hours
  • High quality customer service

Find out how easy it can be to make money by selling your unwanted books.
Sell some books… feed the pig!

Waiting for an invitation? Consider this it…! Visit BookJingle.com today!

Michelle's Signature

Monday Mission : Find Your “HOME-eostasis”

Courtesy of Lorie Marrero, creator of The Clutter Diet, owner of Living Order:

Homeostasis is a medical term that refers to the tendency of the human body to seek and maintain balance. What is your house’s “HOME-eostasis?” What is that balanced condition of your home to which you would always like to return?

Your house’s homeostasis results from preventing clutter, reducing the clutter you have to a manageable and acceptable level, and consistently maintaining your home with systems and routines. It’s a state of balance and readiness—the kind of feeling you have when you’ve just straightened up the house for company to come over for dinner. It’s a state of satisfaction, pride, and comfort. Homeostasis is your definition of success!

We are not talking about perfection, as we’ve often emphasized. Homeostasis is a flexible state that adjusts to transitional times and periods of less or more activity in your lives. The definition will change as your family and situations change. Your ultimate organizing goal is to know what homeostasis means for your home and have the education, motivation, and support to easily and confidently achieve it when things get out of balance (as they surely will).

Make your list today—take 10-15 minutes to go by each room and note what needs to happen to make you feel balanced and ready. An example: My guest bathroom needs to be clean enough for people to use without my being embarrassed, and have plenty of toilet paper, a fresh hand towel, and soap.

Michelle's Signature