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Tag 'organizing'

Simplifying : Needs vs. Luxuries

Photo Source: Will Lion

This whole semi-new “single-mom-trying-to-turn-her-lifelong-passion-into-a-viable-full-time-business-and-pinch-pennies-at-the-same-time” thing is definitely something that I could do without! But, as one of my good friends always says, “It is what it is…” (and it has been quite an adjustment, that’s for sure!)

How interesting (…major understatement…) it has been to be forced to choose which of life’s necessities should be paid for this month. Until now, I never fully realized just how many things I have always taken for granted…

Anyway, in light of these unplanned changes in my life and family and home over the past year-and-a-half, I now meticulously scrutinize every single expenditure like I never have before. And, I have come to realize that, aside from the love of family and friends, what Amanda and I truly need boils down to this: car, apartment, electricity, water, medications, and groceries. So, that’s where the money goes right now… absolute necessities only!

Sure, all the “no’s” that Amanda gets from me are tough (on both of us!), but I have no doubt that the time and attention and love that I am investing in my daughter today will reap far greater rewards in the years to come!

So, what about you? Are there things in your life that you could do without? I challenge you to take a moment today to reflect on the true essentials in your life, and I dare you to let go of the rest!

Michelle's Signature

Purposeful Parenting : My Blessed Mess

This past week was Spring Break for Scott County Schools here in Georgetown… and I found myself with quite a challenge on my hands in keeping up with Amanda! Though a bit reserved in large groups, she is very much a “people person” and loves to have one or two friends (or mommy) to play with her. Whether it was a good idea or not—along with all the art projects, playground adventures, and random errands—I planned to take a bit of time to tackle the growing pile of “to shred” documents… and this was the end result…

Shredded Paper Mess

Now, I’m sure you’re thinking “OMG!!” much like I was at the very moment that the first bag of all my hard work was completely dumped out onto the living room floor! But, here’s the thing… It is so very important for us to set aside our pragmatic “grown-up” thought patterns every once in a while and allow our children some freedom to play and explore the vast number of possibilities that abound within their limitless imaginations! Play is a child’s work after all…

Girls Playing with Shredded Paper

So, practicality and cleanliness aside, Amanda spent the week playing with shredded paper bits (aka “confetti”) that ended up strewn throughout my apartment, in every nook and cranny imaginable (i.e., the toilet… really?)! She had a blast!

Girls with Shredded Paper Hair

She made “confetti castles” (which, in case you didn’t know, are much like sand castles… only different!), she created walking paths that went from one room to the next, she raked every last shred into middle of the living room and jumped into her homemade “pile of leaves,” she “buried” every single friend who came over for a playdate, she made new fashions… and hairstyles… and draperies… and nests, and we went on countless “treasure hunts” and “rescue missions” together!

Friend Playing with Shredded Paper

Sure there was paper everywhere and I’ll likely be finding little pieces here and there over the next few months… Sure we spent the week sniffling and sneezing with all the extra shredded paper dust flying through the air… Sure I have to vacuum the floors again and empty out the drawers that were stuffed full of paper… Sure I was embarrassed each and every time an adult stopped by the apartment to drop something off or pick something up… But, man, it was so very worth it! Definitely a small price to pay for all the wonderful memories that were created this week… and an absolutely, positivity, without-a-doubt exquisite treasure to hold close to the heart and cherish forever after having endured a horrid bout of postpartum depression through her early years!

Girls Buried in Shredded Paper

Now, what about you? Have you found yourself abhorring or even thwarting your child’s messy learning adventures? How so? Or, have you managed to “let go” on occasion and have some truly uninhibited and invariably harmless fun? Do tell…

Michelle's Signature

Top 5 Organizing Tips for Kids

Organized Toy Storage

As any parent knows, adding a child to the family can quickly and drastically alter the environment of any home. From infants to teens, kids come with a lot of “stuff.” What are you supposed to do with it all? Here are a few simple tips to help you teach your children how to get organized and stay that way…

  • Bins, boxes, and baskets kept on lower shelves make it easy for your child to put away toys. Label storage containers with both pictures (for young children) and printed words (for preschoolers).
  • Better yet, have your child draw pictures for the labels. Or, you can cut out the toys’ logos straight from the original boxes, take photos of the toys, or print the logos directly from the manufacturer websites. And, if your storage containers have handles, luggage tags are a quick and easy way to attach the finished labels.
  • Before birthdays, Christmas, or other special gift-giving occasions, sit down with your child to sort through toys together. Guide your child through the decision-making process of which toys to keep and which to donate in order to make room for new toys received as gifts. In fact, take your child with you to the donation center.
  • As you fold laundry, separate your child’s clothes into complete outfits. Store them individually in gallon-sized zip-top bags. Keep one bagged outfit in the car, just in case. And, when you travel, squeeze any extra air out of the bags to make packing the suitcase a breeze.
  • Provide low hooks for your child to hang up sweaters, pajamas, jackets, book bags, etc. Before bedtime, check the weather forecast with your child. Then, have your child select an appropriate outfit to wear the next day.
Michelle's Signature

An Astounding (and Alliterative!) “Adjective Aficianado” Announcement…

Woohoo! I am on fire tonight, baby!

Have you ever found yourself in a really good groove… or, better yet, a totally awesome groove… you know, the kind where time really does fly and when you finally take a potty break before the next bladder-busting cough comes along, you suddenly realize that it’s way past the kids’ bedtime, you haven’t checked for homework, and dinner never made it out of the freezer (let alone onto the table for a family meal)! Not to worry, though… the little ones aren’t starving… they’ve been helping themselves to all kinds of snacks while you’ve been engrossed in your work! *grin*

Well, I am totally on the verge of drowning for all the creative juices flowing out of my brain right now! Yay! Finally… Mommy brain turned off… Intelligent, eloquent, innovative, college-educated mass of mental prowess turned on! *wink*

I am simply giddy with excitement for all these new ideas floating around in my head (that have now, thank the heavens, found their way onto the page)! Phew! Debilitating self-loathing averted! *heavy sigh of relief*

So now the question is… What to share? How much to divulge? O, all the tillating goodness lurking ’round every bend…! Ah… But you must wait, my good friend… Let me have just one moment more to mold this marvelous mental music into a magnificent masterpiece before you peek inside…

Michelle's Signature

Newsletter : Files & Taxes

Photo Source: the workroom

Check out this month’s newsletter

· feature: files & taxes
· forms: Tax Stuff Checklist, Itemized Donations, Legal Document Sake Keeping
· extras: blog highlights, power over paper, subscriber ideas

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