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Tag 'organizing'

Holiday Helps : BookJingle.com

Is your cash flow running a little low now that the holiday season is over and the year is coming to an end? Well, here you go… Check out my friend, Kevin Bradley, as he talks about eliminating clutter and earning some extra cash using BookJingle.com.

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Holiday Helps : Cards, Decorations, and Parties, Oh My !!

Some more free planning printables for you… A quickie look at your entire Christmas budget from { simple mom }, a Christmas card list worksheet from [ real neat ] to help you track the ones you send and the ones you receive, and a complete 13-page Christmas planner courtesy of Organizing Your Way. Enjoy!

X-Mas Budget   Christmas Card List   Christmas Planner

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Holiday Helps : Budget Forms

… and the silence shall be broken …

The blog has been rather quiet as of late while I’ve been collecting, organizing, and publishing some super sweet and totally free downloadable goodness for you! Hope you like ’em! Happy Holidays!

Thanks to the fabulous ladies over at Buttoned Up! (and their beautiful new forms!), you can easily put together a wallet-friendly gift-giving budget that’ll keep you smiling into the new year!

Holiday Gifts (1163 downloads)   Holiday Gift Budget (1242 downloads)   Holiday Budget (1283 downloads)

BTW : For those of you too impatient to wait for future posts, you can find the rest of these handy-dandy holiday tools on the downloads page in the resources section of this website.

A Big Slice of Thanksgiving !!

Stumbled upon some really handy thanksgiving tips at abigslice.com to help you prepare both your home and your turkey for the holidays…

A Big Slice is the enjoyment of life and finding new ways to enrich each moment.

It’s a new take on the old phrase, “grab a big slice of life.” Clare Aslaksen and Ted Field share a love of family and friends but noticed, as the years went by, that “special connection” began to lose it’s defining character. So, how do you recapture these essential components of your life? Clare and Ted believe one way is by enriching your life through entertaining.

By opening your home and your kitchen, you open your heart. Hosting can become a potion for the soul, and a great memory can be as simple as sharing a glass of wine. Throughout the themed sections of their website, Clare and Ted serve as helping hands that gently guide the nervous host toward the perfect evening.

“Life’s A Banquet… why not grab A Big Slice?”

Organized Thanksgiving Tips - Page 1   Organized Thanksgiving Tips - Page 2

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Friday Fave [ Update ] : MailChimp

[ real neat ] newsletter - October 2009


Yep. Definitely loving the chimp!



Check out the latest [ real neat ] ezine



And be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already!


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